I am starting this blog to share about the new program that I am building at Handprints & Footsteps..."Real Life Adaptations and Ideas." I have 10 years experience as a pediatric physical therapist who is passionate about adaptive equipment and increasing independence for all kids and families. I also have extensive experience in the "real home environment" as an in-home caregiver for many individuals with a variety of needs since 2000. Some of the things that can be addressed with this new program include:
· Adaptive
Equipment Needs
-power and manual wheelchairs, medical strollers, walkers, gait trainers,
standers, etc.
· Positioning
and Set-up of switches and other toys and environmental controls
· Home
-bathroom and bedroom set-up ideas
for transfers, positioning, etc.-transfer training for caregivers (including grandparents and others)
-developing ways to access other parts of the home more independently, etc.
· Visits
in Public Places to work on specific skills
-ie: practicing driving a power wheelchair at the local grocery store
· PT
sessions to specifically focus on Power Mobility (power wheelchairs) for kids
who need “uncommon” methods to be successful
-ie: head control of the chair, very young children (as young as 12 months-old)
For more information on this program, feel free to contact me at Handprints and Footsteps (402-420-2099 or cscheer@hpnfs.com). If you have ideas, please let me know.
I will also be using this blog to post about various adaptive equipment ideas that I come across (feel free to send me ideas, if you have some that have worked for you), as well as, sometimes posting about equipment that needs a new home or specific info nights/educational workshops at Handprints and Footsteps.
I hope you will join me on this journey to make Real Life Adaptations for real people! I look forward to it.
Chrissy Scheer, PT
I am so excited to be a part of this!...What a dream come true!