Friday, October 4, 2013

Medical Logs, Medication Lists, Doctors Visits, Oh My!

I have had this blog post "in the making" for a long time, but am finally sitting down to write it.

One thing that is often difficult for many of the families that I serve, is when they go to any medical appointment (especially new offices or emergency room visits), and they are asked to "regurgitate" their loved one's entire medical history....really an entire epic novel, in many cases.

I know many different families that have come up with a variety of methods to record all of this information.  Many have some sort of binder full of surgery dates, current medications, upcoming appointments, etc.  However, this can be cumbersome to keep up to date, and requires someone to have the journal/binder with them at all times (not particularly practical during those unexpected emergency room or doctor's visits). :)

A few months ago, I came across this idea to have a free, secure, on-line blog that lists all of the person's medical appointments, meds, etc, and it is easily accessible from any internet connection (including smart phones and tablets).  That way a quick 1 or 2 sentence note can be made after each doctor's appointment, and you aren't left trying to remember what was said.  It is also searchable, so that you could search a particular topic and quickly provide information on a particular subject.

Here is the website with more information, if you are interested in learning more or creating one:

Also, here is the link to a sample medical-blog:

Let me know what has worked best for you, or if you have new ideas...I would love to share them with others!