Saturday, December 28, 2013

Winter Fun…Adapted Outdoor Play in the Snow

It is Winter here in Nebraska.  We haven't had a lot of snow yet, but I often get asked for ideas for adapted snow/ice play.  Here are some ideas that I have found.  Feel free to share things that have worked for you in the past.  Chrissy :)

*Remember:  Dress in layers and make sure fingers and toes aren't getting too cold when playing in the snow, especially for individuals who don't move much on their own. :)

Adapted "Sledding" Ideas:

Use a Snow or Water Tube (with a liner stretched across the opening as a sled):

*Photo taken from:

Use a Sled with a "built-in" back support to help with trunk support:
*Photo taken from:

Use a Laundry Basket with an adapted seat inside as a "sled" on icy areas:
*See Photos of this idea here:

Use a "long" sled to sled lying down:

…or Ride down a hill supported by friends and family:

Many people have used "dog sled" style sleds (like this one with added supports):

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Free Pulse Oximeter Supplies...

I have more FREE Supplies to share!

These all work with the OxyTip+ Pulse Oximeters.  Please e-mail ( or ask at the Handprints and Footsteps' front desk for Chrissy, and we can share these with you.

3 OxyTip+ Sensitive Skin Sensors (OXY-SE)
3 OxyTip+ All Fit Sensors (OXY-AF)

2 OxyTip+ Sensitive Skin Sensors (OXY-W4-H)
1 OxyTip+ Interconnect Cable (OXY-OL1)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

FREE Briefs & Pull-ups!

We have some more donated/free supplies!  Thanks to everyone who shares their extras. :)  These are available on a first come/first serve basis.  Simply e-mail me ( or ask at the front desk at Handprints and Footsteps to claim any of these.  Thanks!  Chrissy Scheer, PT
*Pull-ups & Briefs have already found new homes. :)...check back for more Free items in the future!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Medical Logs, Medication Lists, Doctors Visits, Oh My!

I have had this blog post "in the making" for a long time, but am finally sitting down to write it.

One thing that is often difficult for many of the families that I serve, is when they go to any medical appointment (especially new offices or emergency room visits), and they are asked to "regurgitate" their loved one's entire medical history....really an entire epic novel, in many cases.

I know many different families that have come up with a variety of methods to record all of this information.  Many have some sort of binder full of surgery dates, current medications, upcoming appointments, etc.  However, this can be cumbersome to keep up to date, and requires someone to have the journal/binder with them at all times (not particularly practical during those unexpected emergency room or doctor's visits). :)

A few months ago, I came across this idea to have a free, secure, on-line blog that lists all of the person's medical appointments, meds, etc, and it is easily accessible from any internet connection (including smart phones and tablets).  That way a quick 1 or 2 sentence note can be made after each doctor's appointment, and you aren't left trying to remember what was said.  It is also searchable, so that you could search a particular topic and quickly provide information on a particular subject.

Here is the website with more information, if you are interested in learning more or creating one:

Also, here is the link to a sample medical-blog:

Let me know what has worked best for you, or if you have new ideas...I would love to share them with others!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bikes, Trikes, Trailers, and More...Adapted Biking

As we are getting into summer, I am seeing more and more people out riding bikes on the bike paths.  I often get questions on biking and how to adapt it to a variety of different needs and abilities.  This is the start of a collection of information on the topic.  Please share any bike-type advice that you have learned over the years in the comment section below. :)

*It is VERY important that all people biking, triking, and riding in a bike trailer, wear a bike helmet--brains are precious, please protect them! :)

*Also...if you would like to have your child evaluated for biking needs, you can always e-mail ( or call (402-420-2099) me (Chrissy) at Handprints and Footsteps, and I can let you know how we can help.  Thanks!

1)  Link to a great description of ways to adapt biking and many resources for purchasing these (includes Foot-driven, Hand-driven, Tandem, Recumbent, Prone, and Bike trailers):

2)  Link to photos and sites for adapted biking (variety of types and styles):
eSpecial Needs: Adaptive Equipment

3)   Variety of Trikes:

4)  CareBike (Trike that allows an individual to ride on the front of the trike in his/her own wheelchair):

5)  AmTrykes (funding through AMBUCS).  These Trikes are available in a variety of shapes, types, and sizes.  *Handprints and Footsteps is an evaluation site for these trikes.:
AmTryke LLC

6)  Riding a 2-wheel Bike through Bike Camp with Dreams Unlimited in Lincoln, NE.  *Screenings for Bike Camp are done at Handprints and Footsteps in Lincoln, NE (if interested, please contact Mary Ebers at 402-420-2099).  *This program teaches kids to ride a standard 2-wheel bike.  *There are many programs like this in different cities.
Dreams Unlimited

7)  Mobo Triton Recumbent Trike (available at Target and other stores).  *I personally know 2 young ladies who ride this kind of bike very successfully. :)

8)  The Buddy Bike (an alternative tandem bike):

9)  Duet Wheelchair Bicycle Tandem (adaptable tandem seat that detaches as a wheelchair at destination):

10)  Freedom Concepts (Customizable Adapted Trikes, many different options):

Monday, May 27, 2013

FREE Cathing Supplies!

I was given some urinary catherization supplies to pass along for FREE!  If you can use any or all of them, please let me know.  They are available on a first-ask-first-serve basis. :)  Please either call (402-420-2099) or e-mail ( to claim them.  Thanks!  Chrissy
 3 Packets of Povidone-Iodine Swabsticks (3/pkg)

2 Packets of Alcohol Swabsticks (3/pkg)

 1 Foley Stabilization Device

 6 Nearly-full Rolls of 3M "Paper" Tape (1 inch wide)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Everything Swimming: Swim Briefs, Life Jackets, Pool Floats...

It will be Swimming Time Soon!

I often receive requests for information on Swim Briefs, Life Jackets, Pool Floats, and other pool-related equipment that might work for different kids and adults.  There are many things out there, and this is just a beginning list.  But feel free to share this information with others.  Please also let me know what has worked well for you in the past in the comment section!  Thanks.  Happy Swimming!

*Please Remember:  No one should swim alone, and all children need to be closely supervised in the pool, even if they are wearing a life jacket!

Swim Briefs:

eSpecialNeeds Website lists links to several different swim brief styles from many companies:
eSpecial Needs: Adaptive Equipment

Reusable Swim Briefs (Child-Adult Sizes):

Disposible Swim Briefs (Child-Adult Sizes):
Click to enlarge

Kiefer Adult and Youth Washable Swim Briefs:
Kiefer Youth Swim Diaper Image

SoSecure Containment Swim Briefs, Child and Adults Sizes (supposed to be thin and discrete under all swim wear):

Gabby's Swim Briefs (2 styles: pull-on and Velcro-tab):
Youth Sizes:
Adult Sizes:
Adult Swim Diaper  Youth Pool Pant

Life Jackets/Floats:

For Smaller Kids who need to float supported on their backs, "standard" Life Jackets with Head Supports are available in many places and look like these (often toddler size):  *Just make sure your child is not over the weight limit for the life jacket.


PFD-A:  This is a Life Jacket that will support larger children or adults while floating on their backs (Sizes for 18-190 pounds):

Lj-V:  This is a life jacket that keeps the individual vertical in the water (Sizes for 45-145 pounds):

Lj-A:  This life jacket allows the individual to swim on their tummy or float on their back, but does not have head support.  It also allows the person to float vertically in the water. (Sizes for 18-250 pounds):

Float Belts to help support a person while swimming. (Sizes: small child through adult):
Sprinter Flotation Belt:

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Don't Forget...FREE "YARD SALE" This Saturday!

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to remind you all that THIS Saturday (April 27th from 2-4pm), we are having the FREE "Yard Sale" for Adaptive Equipment and Toys at Handprints & Footsteps in Lincoln, NE.

*Bring things to give away, come look for things you could use, or do both!  More information below.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Umbrella Holders and Sun Shades to use on Wheelchairs

I just got a request for this information again, so I thought I would post it.

People are often looking for umbrella holders or sunshades that will attach to wheelchairs to keep the users dry or in the shade.  There are several "out there" if you run a search, but these are ones that I know families have used and liked...if you know of others that work well, please let me know, I would love to include them in the list as well.

Umbrella Holder (attaches to round or oval tubing of various sizes):  This one can be rotated to change the direction of the umbrella, or rotated down and out of the way when not in use.  It holds a "standard" golf umbrella (and all umbrellas with a straight handle)

Golf Umbrellas in different colors:

Cool Temp Umbrellas (block sun and provide cool shade):

Canopies for wheelchairs (these are customizable with lots of different fabrics and block the heat from the sun and rain):