Tuesday, March 26, 2013

FREE!! Adaptive Equipment & Toy Exchange!

It's a FREE "Yard Sale" for:
Adaptive Equipment & Toys
(bring some to share and/or come to find some for your home)

We are having a FREE Adaptive Equipment and Toy Exchange at Handprints and Footsteps in Lincoln, NE on Saturday, April 27th @ 2-4pm....see the brochure below for more info.

Please forward this information on to anyone else who could use it.  Thanks! :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Easy Worksheet Adaptation Idea...

I am actually sharing this idea (with permission) from another blogger, Holly Gray at:  www.caleighscorner.com .  She has modified worksheets (with instructions such as "circle the correct answer") into either yes/no or multiple choice questions, for her daughter.  Her daughter can then answer the questions using her AAC device/iPad.  This is a super easy way to adapt.

Feel free to share your favorite adaptations in the comment section below!

Multiple choice. #homeschool #explodethecode #phonics #aac

Friday, March 8, 2013

Early Power Mobility...Go Baby Go!

The research has continued to support Early (ie: less than 1 year old) Power Mobility for any child who does not have a way to move independently....and that this movement is vital for learning!  There is a group in Delaware that is adapting battery-operated toy ride-on vehicles for this purpose.  I recommend watching the video at this link:

Cole with Brenden

Go Baby Go logo
Photo and logo from Go Baby Go! Website:  http://www.udel.edu/gobabygo/

Do you have questions about providing mobility for your child?   Feel free to contact me at Handprints and Footsteps (402-420-2099) or via e-mail (cscheer@hpnfs.com).  I would love to discuss this with you! :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

How to Sign Up for E-mail Updates...

Some people have had difficulty signing up for e-mail updates...so this post includes the instructions on how to do this. :)  *Please remember that you will receive a confirmation e-mail from Feedburner, which you must reply to, in order to finalize the process.  If you have additional questions, please e-mail me (cscheer@hpnfs.com).  Thanks!  Chrissy Scheer, PT